
Distributed systems often have a need for "leases", which provides a mechanism to lock shared resources and coordinate activity between nodes. In Kubernetes, the "lease" concept is represented by Lease objects in the API group, which are used for system-critical capabilities like node heart beats and component-level leader election.

Node Heart Beats

Kubernetes uses the Lease API to communicate kubelet node heart beats to the Kubernetes API server. For every Node , there is a Lease object with a matching name in the kube-node-lease namespace. Under the hood, every kubelet heart beat is an UPDATE request to this Lease object, updating the spec.renewTime field for the Lease. The Kubernetes control plane uses the time stamp of this field to determine the availability of this Node.

See Node Lease objects for more details.

Leader Election

Leases are also used in Kubernetes to ensure only one instance of a component is running at any given time. This is used by control plane components like kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler in HA configurations, where only one instance of the component should be actively running while the other instances are on stand-by.

API Server Identity

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.26 [beta]

Starting in Kubernetes v1.26, each kube-apiserver uses the Lease API to publish its identity to the rest of the system. While not particularly useful on its own, this provides a mechanism for clients to discover how many instances of kube-apiserver are operating the Kubernetes control plane. Existence of kube-apiserver leases enables future capabilities that may require coordination between each kube-apiserver.

You can inspect Leases owned by each kube-apiserver by checking for lease objects in the kube-system namespace with the name kube-apiserver-<sha256-hash>. Alternatively you can use the label selector

$ kubectl -n kube-system get lease -l
NAME                                        HOLDER                                                                           AGE
kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a   kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a_9cbf54e5-1136-44bd-8f9a-1dcd15c346b4   5m33s
kube-apiserver-dz2dqprdpsgnm756t5rnov7yka   kube-apiserver-dz2dqprdpsgnm756t5rnov7yka_84f2a85d-37c1-4b14-b6b9-603e62e4896f   4m23s
kube-apiserver-fyloo45sdenffw2ugwaz3likua   kube-apiserver-fyloo45sdenffw2ugwaz3likua_c5ffa286-8a9a-45d4-91e7-61118ed58d2e   4m43s

The SHA256 hash used in the lease name is based on the OS hostname as seen by kube-apiserver. Each kube-apiserver should be configured to use a hostname that is unique within the cluster. New instances of kube-apiserver that use the same hostname will take over existing Leases using a new holder identity, as opposed to instantiating new lease objects. You can check the hostname used by kube-apisever by checking the value of the label:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get lease kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a -o yaml
kind: Lease
  creationTimestamp: "2022-11-30T15:37:15Z"
  labels: kube-apiserver kind-control-plane
  name: kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a
  namespace: kube-system
  resourceVersion: "18171"
  uid: d6c68901-4ec5-4385-b1ef-2d783738da6c
  holderIdentity: kube-apiserver-c4vwjftbvpc5os2vvzle4qg27a_9cbf54e5-1136-44bd-8f9a-1dcd15c346b4
  leaseDurationSeconds: 3600
  renewTime: "2022-11-30T18:04:27.912073Z"

Expired leases from kube-apiservers that no longer exist are garbage collected by new kube-apiservers after 1 hour.

Last modified December 12, 2022 at 2:22 AM PST: Update (f6ddeb6ff)